31 Days of Music - White Zombie - Astro Creep #tinychallenges
If you’ve read this far, you realize that we have now taken a hard turn to the right. White Zombie, Ted? For real? Yes, this album holds a special place in my heart even though I haven’t heard any of the songs on it in at least 15 years. The album is still in iTunes with a zero play count, so why am I talking about it today? I mean, come on, you didn’t even start the playlist on YouTube when you grabbed the link to the album!
Yes, all of that is true, yet here we are, writing a few hundred words on how much this album means to me. Its really all about a single synthetic memory. I call it synthetic because its not so much a specific instance, but a recurring set of instances over several months of my last couple years of high school. My two good friends, Scott & Chasson, would hop in my car (despite being the youngest of the 3, I was the one with a license and a car) and drive around town listening to this at top volume. Since my card didn’t have air conditioning and also had a pair of 15" subwoofers in the back, this meant people in our general vicinity were listening to this one as well.
High school, and frankly most of the years up to 18 when I left for college, is not the wonderful font of memories that so many people seem to cling on to. I don’t look back on those days as me in my prime; frankly, I still don’t think I’ve hit my prime years yet and I’m not entirely sure I ever will. But there are some good memories and the times we spent riding around in that car being general nuisances to other drivers just makes me smile (and roll my eyes at our younger selves).
Just ask me about water gun wars sometime and you’ll get a good laugh (and wonder how never ended up in jail).